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Preparing Your Manufactured Home For A Disaster: Earthquake Retrofit
In regards to manufactured housing, the foundation is everything. A manufactured home built on a solid foundation by a contractor is better constructed, more robust, and more disaster resistant than most site-built homes. Manufactured homes are built to withstand the vibrations and shaking expected during transport from the factory, so they are stronger than other types of housing.
Make The Most Of Your Space
Manufactured homes come in all sizes but the single-wides and park models tend to come in the smaller variety. Often the footpad in a mobile home park doesn’t leave a luxurious amount of space for storage or furniture options. But if you make a few smart choices you can have more than enough space for you and your stuff. Here are a few tips, suggestions, and ideas to make the most of your space.
10 Ways To Improve Your Manufactured Home
Whenever possible, repairs and renovations to manufactured homes should improve the property or make it easier to live in and increase its value. However, it’s essential to know that some upgrades may not increase the value of your manufactured home, regardless of whether you’re planning to sell it or want to enjoy a higher level of comfort.
Pros And Cons: What Foundation Should I Choose For My Home?
The type of foundation you choose for your home has a large impact on your maintenance needs, the aesthetic you present, and the usable space available. Following are a few tips regarding manufactured housing foundations and some reasons to make one choice or another.